Think of all of the conditions there are for bacteria to multiply and develop into horrendous smells or worse in your potential customer’s facilities. Potentially serious pathogens that can cause severe sickness or even death.
Why is it that after all the spraying and wiping, the equipment and structures of Athletic Facilities, their current service provider is still not able to make their facility safe from harmful bacteria, germs, and odors?
That is where you come in!
Because their cleaner’s current system cannot get into all of the breeding grounds that bacteria hide in and multiply in, The Just Gone Sanitizing & Deodorizing System™ is able to remove these hidden harmful hazards safely, effectively and completely address this and other issues.
If An Athletic Facility is complaining of the odors and the unseen bacteria in its facility, they can take action now to eliminate both by utilizing your very own Just Gone Sanitizing & Deodorizing System™! They need to take action now to get rid of these pesky problems that risk the health of their client’s and their staff.
You offer them the perfect solution!
What can be sanitized quickly and easily with this system?
• Exercise equipment
• Gym mats
• Showers
• Steam rooms
• Saunas
• Locker rooms
• Walls and floors
• Swimming pool and hot tub tiled areas
• Waiting rooms
• Massage tables, equipment and rooms
• Athletic protection equipment, such as football helmets, shoes, and pads
• And many more, too numerous to list
What type of facilities could benefit from our system?
• School Gyms
• Health Clubs
• Fitness Gyms
• Spas
• Resorts
• Martial Art facilities
• Racquetball Clubs
Here is a partial list of some of the ‘bad stuff’ that Just Gone™ gets rid of..
Ebola (as of 2014)
C Diff (as of 2014)
Hepa (as of 2014)
Streptococcus Facalis Bacillus
And more too numerous to mention.
The old way of trying to clean and sanitize just is not working. Help upgrade your approach with the most up-to-date, technologically advanced, safe and effective way of sanitizing and deodorizing.
Whether the problem is airborne or on surfaces, we can remove all residual creators of these serious problems. We can do this with less time and surprisingly with very little addition cost than your current sanitization and deodorization program.
The Just Gone Sanitizing & Deodorizing System™ uses a technologically advanced process to sanitize and deodorize areas without the need for toxic chemicals, fragrances or services, which require manual wiping and rinsing. In a fraction of the time needed by other sanitation systems, our Just Gone™ System can sanitize against a multitude of germs, allergens, odors and indoor contaminants in all areas used for athletic or other purposes.